Saturday, October 17, 2009

Man, it's been awhile.

So, yeh been neglecting this since no one ever looks at it besides myself. Lots has happened in the last couple of years, but not gonna bore ya with that. Just pix from days gone in my life.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Art Walk

This one happened earlier this year, but I'd forgotten my password and just remembered it today. But no one really ever looks at this blog - I guess it's more of a memory dumping ground for me to try to put something out there. Anyhow, check out the first friday artwalk when you get a chance. One of the good things Richmond has going for it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

get a grip

The Richmond Lucha Libre put on a show at Rocks one night. There was music and lots of half-nelsons. If you get a chance go and see them perform their craft!

watermelon festival

Yup. It was quite a warm day when the watermelon festival took place on Cary St. Great food and entertainment, it was quite a show. Of course I ended up buying really cheap shoes that were too small at the festival, which kinda sucked. The shoes part sucked, not the festival.

ice cream man!

The ice cream man came to town back in August and gave out free ice cream to all of those that waited for 2.5 hours for him to arrive. Katie has a big ol' smile as she snags a delectable piece of history. He's trying to give out ice cream to over 500,000 people! Fatten up, America!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

@ bandito's one night

Some people I knew and others I didn't, just hanging out at Banditos watching the bands play. I think it was the annual Style Music issue.

Here is Pennyshaker, an awesome local band that rawk the house everytime!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

welcome to MyRichmond!

Put up your art, photos, literature for the world to see. We have a lot of talent in Richmond, Va. and I think that it needs to be shown. Tell us why you chose Richmond or why Richmond chose you. Tell us why you can't wait to get the hell outta here! Vent, express, digress, impress!